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Private ADHD Assessment in Warwickshire, Birmingham and online

Are you wondering if you might have ADHD, and want an expert, thorough and gold standard diagnostic assessment?

Have you noticed that difficulties concentrating, focusing, organising yourself and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity have got in the way in life?

Are you seeking to better understand yourself and ways to cope?

At Unlock Psychology Ltd we provide private ADHD assessments for adults in Warwickshire and online. We follow the NICE guidelines, which are acceptable to GPs and medical prescribers.

We do not provide medication, though we can refer you onto our connections who can help after an assessment.

Our primary aim is to help identify whether you have ADHD or not and provide you with personalised, psychological recommendations to help you manage.


Reach out today and we will discuss next steps for booking an ADHD assessment.

Private ADHD Assessments in Warwickshire

NICE-compliant ADHD assessments for adults that make a difference

Our compassionate clinical psychologists have years' worth of experience working with people with ADHD in a range of NHS, academic and community settings. 

We put the person first while delivering gold standard assessments that match the NHS.


We offer private ADHD assessments in Birmingham, Warwickshire and online. We offer a free initial 20 minute conversation to discuss whether it is likely to be right for you as helpful. Reach out today and we would be happy to book you in for your ADHD assessment. 

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a lifelong, neurodevelopmental condition that can present as difficulties with attention, concentration, planning, organising, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity.

It can have a significant impact on people’s lives if not identified and managed, though it also comes with real strengths, such as creativity, energy and passion. We are now more aware of ADHD than ever before, meaning you might be wondering if you have ADHD. 

You might have identified particular struggles in your life, such as:

  • being very distractible or forgetful 

  • having difficulties focusing for long 

  • finding it hard to motivate yourself to do more routine or mundane tasks 

  • having difficulty planning and organising yourself 

  • finding noise very distracting and/or overwhelming 

  • being hyperactive or always on the go 

  • being very talkative 

  • generally feeling restless

  • being fidgety or constantly moving 

  • finding it hard to sit still, being impulsive

  • tending to interrupt or intrude on others


This is a non-exhaustive list, and you may not relate to them all. A diagnosis requires enough of the symptoms to be present, and they would not be better explained by something else, such as mental health or any other condition. If you think you relate to a number of those points which have been fairly consistent throughout your life, and caused you difficulties, it may be worth considering ADHD as a possible explanation. 

What Does an ADHD Assessment Involve?

An ADHD assessment involves three parts:

  1. A gold standard diagnostic interview, which includes questions about all the signs and symptoms of ADHD throughout your entire life, and any impact they have had

  2. A developmental history, which includes a discussion with you and ideally an informant about your early childhood, from birth to now, including medical history, developmental milestones and education

  3. A clinical interview, which explores your mental health, physical health and any other concerns or diagnoses across your lifespan.


We may meet in one long session with breaks, or over multiple sessions. On average, an assessment will take at least 3 hours. Before we meet, you will also be asked to complete a range of questionnaires, which measure ADHD symptoms, mental health, and your development.

It is important to think about whether you have an informant – someone who knew you in childhood, such as a parent, caregiver, sibling or childhood friend; or someone who knows you well now. They will be given some questionnaires to do about their perception of your development and symptoms. They may also be involved in the assessment directly, either by joining you for some or all of the assessment, or we will speak to them separately with your permission. 

Private ADHD Assessment

Many people are concerned: will my private ADHD assessment be accepted by my GP?

All of our diagnostic assessments follow the gold standard guidelines set out by NICE, who recommend best clinical practice in the UK. These are the standards followed by the NHS, with our practitioners having previously worked in the NHS. There is therefore no reason why GPs and other providers would not accept our reports.

We are happy to liaise with them directly as required to explain what we have conducted and why. We believe our reports generally speak for themselves, as, to date, no GPs or other providers have questioned them nor refused to accept them. We have direct links with private medical prescribers who do accept our reports and we are happy to refer you onto them if desired. 

As a practical step, we would recommend you speak to your GP as soon as possible if you are considering a private ADHD assessment. This will help you to talk openly about who and where you are seeking it from, check the quality such as qualifications, and ask them if they would be happy to do a ‘shared care agreement’. This means that they will take over prescribing any medication you are prescribed privately, which will save you money in the long run. See here for details of that at the ADHD-UK website here.

What is the Cost of an ADHD Assessment?

The total cost of an adult ADHD assessment is £950 all inclusive. 

This includes:

  • administering and scoring the questionnaires 

  • the assessment itself (however many sessions it takes, with the average being 3 hours) 

  • interpretation of the results, which may include discussion with multi-disciplinary colleagues or peers as required 

  • the full report, which are an average of 14 pages long including specific recommendations for you 

  • a 30-minute feedback appointment, to discuss your results, their meaning, and how you can move forwards in life

There are no hidden or additional charges. 

Private ADHD Assessment in Warwickshire and Online

If you would like to discuss having an adult ADHD assessment with us, simply send us an email today and we will be happy to discuss. If helpful, we can arrange a complementary 20-minute conversation to discuss your options. This helps us to get a sense of whether or not this might be the right path for you at this time and agree next steps. We have immediate availability both online and in clinics in Warwick and Leamington Spa. 

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